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2023年05月23日 21:56  点击:[]







承担《大学物理》、《光电子技术》、《传感器与检测技术》等课程本科生和研究生教学工作。主持完成光电信息科学与工程新专业建设大规模在线开放课程(MOOC )示范项目光电物理示范实验实训中心六卓越、一拔尖卓越人才培养创新项目等省级质量工程项目4项,发表教研论文3篇。近年来,指导硕士研究生12人。



近年来,一直围绕有机污染物的降解与检测、洁净能源的转换等方面开展研究工作,在锌-空气电池的阴极材料的制备、优化、改性等方面进行积极探索并积累了丰富的经验,研究成果先后在在Journal of the Electrochemical SocietyJournal of Alloys and CompoundsCrystEngComm国际学术期刊上发表SCI论文50余篇(其中第一作者和通讯作者25篇),授权国家发明专利4项。


[1]  国家自然科学基金青年基金:新型TiO2/Ag 基柔性SERS 基地材料:痕量检测及光降解治理(项目号:51502005 ),已完成;

[2]  安徽省教育厅自然科学基金:过渡金属磷化物复合结构的可控制备及电催化性能研究 (项目号:KJ2020A0328)已完成;

[3]  高校优秀青年人才支持计划重点项目(项目号:gxyqZD2016081 ),已完成;


[1]  Yang Li*, Qilin Huang,Hongbiao Wu, Lun Cai,Yiming Du, Shiqiu Liu,ZongqiangSheng,Mingzai Wu. N-doped Mo2C nanoblock for efficient hydrogen evolution reaction[J]. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry (2019) 23:2043–2050.

[2]  Yang Li*, Lun Cai, Qilin Huang, Jun Liu, Ranran Tang and Wenhan Zhou. Highly Efficient Synthesis of Carbon-Based Molybdenum Phosphide Nanoparticles for Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution[J]. Nanoscale Research Letters (2020) 15(6):1-7.

[3]  Ranran Tang, Yang Li, Jun Liu, Wenhan Zhou, Hongwei Wu, Juan Gao. Cobalt Nanoparticles Embedded Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotubes as Bifunctional Catalysts for Flexible Solid-State Zn-Air Battery[J]. Journal of the Electrochemical of SocietyVol.167(2020).

[4]  Jun Liu Yang Li* Lingcheng ZhengRanran TangWenhan ZhouJuan GaoHongwei Wu. Porous Fe-Co-P nanowire arrays through alkaline etching as self-supported electrodes for efficient hydrogen production[J]. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry (2021) 25:1623–1631.

[5]  Wenhan Zhou, Yang Li,* Lingcheng Zheng, Jun Liu, Ranran Tang, Kejian Shi and Yanyan Zhang. Three-dimensional MOF-derived Co and N codoped porous carbon bifunctional catalyst for the Zn–air battery[J]. CrystEngComm, 2021, 23: 4930–4937.

[6]  Yang Li*, Wenhan Zhou, Lingcheng Zheng, Jun Liu, Ranran Tang, Kejian Shi, Yanyan Zhang. Hollow Porous Nitrogen-doped Carbon Formed by Fe-modified Bimetallic Organic Framework for Rechargeable Liquid/Solid Zn-air Batteries[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 886 (2021) 161227:1-11.

[7]  Yang Li*, Jun Liu, Lingcheng Zheng, Yanyan Zhang, Wenhan Zhou, Kejian Shi, Haiyu Xu and Juan Gao. Deep-breathing Fe-doped superstructure modified by polyethyleneimine as oxygen reductionelectrocatalysts for Zn–air batteries[J]. CrystEngComm, 2022, 24 (32):5792-5800.

[8]  Yanyan Zhang, Yang li*Kejian Shi, Zijian Zhu, Xiaofei Li, Haiyu Xu, Juan Gao. Bimetallic Dispersion Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework Derived Spherical Porous Bifunctional Catalysts for Liquid/ Solid Zn-Air Batteries[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 925 (2022) 166680:1-10.

[9]  Yanyan Zhang, Yang Li* , Kejian Shi , Wenhan Zhou, Xiaofei Li, Zijian Zhu. Sawtooth-edged zeolitic imidazolate framework codoped with Fe and Co as a bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst for rechargeable liquid/solid zinc-air batteries[J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH. 2022: 1–12.

[10]  Kejian Shi, Yang Li *, Yanyan Zhang, Xiaofei Li, Zijian Zhu, Haiyu Xu, Lingcheng Zheng,Juan Gao. N-doped 3D hierarchical carbon from water hyacinth for high-performance Zn-air batteries[J]. Diamond & Related Materials, 135 (2023) 109841.


1 2018年安徽理工大学优秀教学质量奖  

2 2019 年安徽理工大学优秀教师     







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